
ADNOC Distribution报告称,2024年第一季度增长强劲,息税折旧摊销前利润增长18%

来源:F&L Asia   2024-06-06




  •ADNOC Distribution利用人工智能驱动的数字创新来推动价值和提高效率,采用预测燃料需求模型,Fill&Go进行个性化加油,并扩大其电动汽车充电点网络。


  阿联酋最大的燃料和便利零售商ADNOC Distribution(ISIN:AEA006101017)(符号:ADNOCDIST)今天宣布了强劲的2024年第一季度财务业绩,报告其息税折旧摊销前利润(EBITDA)同比增长18%,达到2.48亿美元,表明公司仍在稳步实现其新五年战略中列出的目标。

  在取得这一进展之前,第一季度燃料和非燃料零售部门都保持了持续的势头,包括ADNOC Distribution的20多项人工智能(AI)驱动计划的发展,如加油和加油以及燃料需求AI模型,旨在加速增长和提高运营效率。

  ADNOC Distribution首席执行官Bader Saeed Al Lamki工程师表示:“我们第一季度的业绩强劲,息税折旧及摊销前利润增长了18%,这证明了公司今年早些时候宣布的五年战略,该战略优先考虑国内增长、国际平台和经得起未来考验的业务。我们已经做好了实现2028年运营目标的准备,目标是将ADNOC配送网络扩大到1000个站点,将快速和超快电动汽车充电点的数量增加到至少500个,将非燃料交易增长50%,并将便利店的数量增加25%。”



  该公司报告称,与去年同期相比,息税折旧摊销前利润增长了两位数,整个网络的流量增加推动了燃料量和非燃料业务的增长。2024年第一季度,ADNOC Distribution的息税折旧摊销前利润同比增长18%,达到2.48亿美元,净利润达到1.5亿美元,而2023年第一季度为1.46亿美元,尽管受到最近引入的阿联酋公司税的影响。除去税收影响,净利润同比增长13%,达到1.65亿美元。该公司还报告称,非燃料毛利润同比增长16%,达到5500万美元。ADNOC Distribution保持着强劲的资产负债表,净债务与息税折旧及摊销前利润之比为0.50倍,巩固了其强劲的财务状况,使公司能够投资于增长并提供有吸引力的股东回报。



  2024年第一季度,ADNOC Distribution开设了8个新的加油站,将其总网络扩展到846个加油站。该公司仍有望实现全年新增15至20个营业点的目标。ADNOC Distribution的非燃料零售业务也在持续增长,阿联酋整个网络的交易增长了7%。

  根据其新的增长战略,ADNOC Distribution正在将资金分配给便利性和机动性,以将其车站转变为首选目的地。第一季度,ADNOC Distribution通过开设两条新的高容量洗车隧道扩大了其非燃料产品,这两条隧道的容量明显大于传统设施。计划在2024年底前再开通8条洗车隧道,并升级50%的自动洗车机。此外,该公司的目标是到2025年底,将其网络中领先的国际和地区食品和饮料品牌的物业单元数量增加一倍。


  作为其增长战略的基石,ADNOC Distribution正在利用人工智能支持的数字创新,推动其整个网络的价值和效率,包括预测燃料需求模型、Fill&Go,以及公司的电动汽车网络扩张。

  从运营效率的角度来看,ADNOC Distribution的燃料需求AI模型提供了超过95%的燃料预测准确度,远远超过了平均60%的传统方法,从而减少了总燃料库存。此外,准确度的提高有助于通过优化交付时间效率将燃油卡车的总排放量减少10%,符合公司到2030年将碳排放强度降低25%的目标。

  ADNOC Distribution致力于通过严格推出快速和超快电动汽车(EV)充电点来拓展其未来业务,在2024年第一季度将其网络扩展到89个充电点,比2023年第四季度增长68%。这一扩展包括在马斯达尔市建立一个专用的交通枢纽。ADNOC Distribution仍有望在2024年底前将其盈利的电动汽车充电点网络增加一倍以上,达到约150至200个。


  自2017年首次公开募股以来,ADNOC Distribution通过增加市值和股息为股东提供了约90%的投资回报。该公司兑现了在2023年实现10亿美元息税折旧摊销前利润的承诺,为其下一阶段的加速增长奠定了基础。公司继续瞄准增值的国内和国际扩张机会,包括为股东创造额外价值的新市场。

  ADNOC Distribution的新增长战略包括严格的扩张计划,利用其强大的财务状况和现金产生。2024年计划资本支出在2.5亿至3亿美元之间,其中70%专门用于增长,公司已在2024年第一季度投资4600万美元。这种战略投资分配旨在通过追求雄心勃勃的增长项目来提高股东价值和回报。

  在3月份的上一次年度股东大会上,ADNOC Distribution股东批准了一项新的五年期股息政策,将年度股息定为7亿美元或至少为净利润的75%,以较高者为准。这项政策提供了回报和潜在上行的长期可见性。

 ADNOC Distribution reports robust Q1 2024 growth with 18% increase in EBITDA

  • EBITDA increases by 18% year-on-year to $248 million and net profit rises to $150 million.

  • Year-on-year fuel volumes increase by 17% and non-fuel retail transactions rise by 7%, demonstrating continued momentum across both fuel and non-fuel businesses.

  • ADNOC Distribution leverages AI-driven digital innovation to drive value and enhance efficiency, employing predictive fuel demand models, Fill & Go for personalized fueling, and expanding its network of EV charging points.

  ADNOC Distribution (ISIN: AEA006101017) (Symbol: ADNOCDIST), the UAE’s largest fuel and convenience retailer, today announced robust Q1 2024 financial results, reporting an 18% year-on-year increase in its Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) to $248 million, demonstrating that the Company remains firmly on track to achieving the goals outlined in its new five-year strategy.

  The progress follows sustained momentum in both fuel and non-fuel retail segments in Q1, including developments in ADNOC Distribution’s pipeline of more than 20 Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven initiatives, such as Fill and Go and the Fuel Demand AI Model, aimed at accelerating growth and enhancing operational efficiencies.

  Eng. Bader Saeed Al Lamki, CEO of ADNOC Distribution, said, “Our robust first-quarter results with an 18% EBITDA growth are a testament to the Company’s five-year strategy announced earlier this year, which prioritizes domestic growth, international platforms, and future-proofing the business. We are well positioned to achieve our operational objectives for 2028, aiming to expand the ADNOC Distribution network to 1,000 stations, increase the number of fast and super-fast EV charging points to at least 500, grow our non-fuel transactions by 50%, and increase the number of convenience stores by 25%.”

  “The integration of AI, a cornerstone of our strategy, continues to yield tangible results across our operations. For instance, thanks to our innovative Fuel Demand AI Model, we harness predictive demand analytics to optimize fuel delivery across our network. The model is projected to prevent potential lost sales totaling over $27 million in a five-year period.”

Financial Performance

  The Company reported a double-digit increase in EBITDA compared to the same period last year, with higher traffic across its network driving growth in fuel volumes and non-fuel business. In Q1 2024, ADNOC Distribution’s EBITDA increased by 18% year-on-year to $248 million, with net profit reaching $150 million compared to $146 million in Q1 2023, despite the impact of the recently introduced UAE Corporate Tax. Excluding the tax impact, net profit saw a robust 13% year-on-year increase to $165 million. The Company also reported a strong non-fuel gross profit increase of 16% year-on-year to $55 million. ADNOC Distribution maintained a strong balance sheet with a net debt-to-EBITDA ratio of 0.50x, reinforcing its strong financial position and enabling the Company to invest in growth and deliver attractive shareholder returns.

Operational Performance

  Operational highlights for the quarter include sustained growth in fuel volumes in all regions where the Company operates. Total fuel volumes increased by 17% year-on-year, driven by growth in both retail and commercial segments. The GCC region saw a 9% increase, fueled by factors including increased traffic across our network, sustained economic growth, ongoing network expansion, and a higher contribution from international operations in Saudi Arabia.

  In Q1 2024, ADNOC Distribution opened 8 new service stations, expanding its total network to 846 stations. The Company remains on track to achieve its full-year target of adding between 15 and 20 new sites. ADNOC Distribution also saw ongoing growth in its non-fuel retail business, with transactions increasing by 7% across the network in the UAE.

  Aligned with its new growth strategy, ADNOC Distribution is allocating capital towards convenience and mobility to transform its stations into destinations of choice. In Q1, ADNOC Distribution expanded its non-fuel offerings by opening two new high-capacity car wash tunnels, which have significantly greater capacity than conventional facilities. Plans are underway to launch 8 more car wash tunnels and upgrade 50% of automatic car washes by the end of 2024. Additionally, the Company aims to double the number of property units occupied by leading international and regional food and beverage brands across its network by the end of 2025.

AI & Future Proofing

  As a cornerstone of its growth strategy, ADNOC Distribution is leveraging AI-enabled digital innovation to drive value and efficiency across its network, including predictive fuel demand models, Fill & Go, and in the company’s EV network expansion.

  From an operational efficiency perspective, ADNOC Distribution’s Fuel Demand AI Model offers a fuel forecast accuracy exceeding 95%, far surpassing conventional methods averaging 60%, resulting in reduced total fuel inventory runout. Additionally, the improved accuracy facilitated a 10% reduction in total fuel truck emissions through optimized delivery timing efficiencies, in line with the Company’s objective to reduce carbon emissions intensity by 25% by 2030.

  Committed to futureproofing its business through a disciplined rollout of fast and super-fast electric vehicle (EV) charging points, ADNOC Distribution expanded its network in Q1 2024 to 89 charging points , marking a 68% increase over Q4 2023. This expansion included the establishment of a dedicated Mobility Hub in Masdar City. ADNOC Distribution remains on track to more than double its profitable EV charging points network to approximately 150 to 200 by the end of 2024.

Positive Outlook

  Since its initial public offering in 2017, ADNOC Distribution has provided shareholders with an approximately 90% return on investment through increased market value and dividends. The Company delivered on its promise of achieving $1 billion in EBITDA in 2023, setting the foundation for its next phase of accelerated growth. The Company continues to target value-accretive domestic and international expansion opportunities, including new markets to generate additional value for its shareholders.

  ADNOC Distribution’s new growth strategy includes disciplined expansion plans, leveraging its strong financial position and cash generation. With planned capital expenditures of between $250 million and $300 million in 2024, 70% of which are earmarked for growth, the Company has already invested $46 million in Q1 2024. This strategic allocation of investments aims to boost shareholder value and returns by pursuing ambitious growth projects.

  During the last Annual General Meeting in March, ADNOC Distribution shareholders approved a new five-year dividend policy, setting an annual dividend of $700 million or a minimum of 75% of net profit, whichever is higher. This policy provides long-term visibility on returns and potential upside.


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