

来源:F&L Asia   2024-06-07




  雪佛龙奥伦耐于2015年首次透露了在中国建造制造厂的计划,并于2018年年中选择宁波作为首选地点。该设施位于宁波经济技术开发区(NETD) 内,毗邻宁波港,宁波港是全球年货物吞吐量最大的港口之一。2018年末开始施工,工厂于2020年全面投入运营,并于2021年开始商业生产。

  雪佛龙化工总裁Mitra Kashanchi表示:“这项投资巩固了雪佛龙奥伦耐提供卓越可靠性的承诺,并加强了我们对中国客户的承诺。”卡山奇补充道:“通过我们与NETD的协议,宁波的下一阶段开发将使我们能够更好地满足中国市场的需求,同时保持与客户和关键原材料供应的紧密联系。”


  扩建项目将于 2024 年 7 月开工,预计将于2026年底完工。该项目旨在为选定的产品提供灵活性和安全性,不仅在中国,而且在亚洲和全球范围内。

  雪佛龙奥伦耐亚太地区制造和供应链总经理Keng Yang Lim对雪佛龙奥伦耐中国团队的奉献精神表示自豪。Lim说:“凭借他们从宁波工厂的成功建设、启动和运营中吸取的经验,我相信项目团队有坚实的基础来进行扩建,这将有助于确保项目安全可靠地执行。”

  Chevron Oronite to expand lubricant additive facility in China

  Chevron Oronite has announced a significant expansion of its lubricant additive facility in Ningbo, China. This decision underscores Chevron Oronite’s commitment to enhancing its manufacturing capabilities and strengthening its supply chain to meet growing demand in China and across Asia.

  Chevron Oronite first revealed its plan to build a manufacturing plant in China in 2015, selecting Ningbo as the preferred location in mid-2018. Located within the Ningbo Economic & Technical Development Zone (NETD), the facility benefits from proximity to the Ningbo Port, one of the world’s largest ports by annual cargo throughput. Construction began in late 2018, with the plant becoming fully operational in 2020 and starting commercial production in 2021.

  “This investment underpins Chevron Oronite’s dedication to provide exceptional reliability and reinforces our commitment to our customers in China,” said Mitra Kashanchi, president of Chevron Chemicals. Kashanchi added, “Through our agreement with NETD, this next phase of development in Ningbo will better position us to help meet the needs of China’s market while maintaining close proximity to customers and critical raw material supply.”

Expansion plans

  The expansion project, set to commence in July 2024, is expected to be completed by late 2026. This project aims to provide flexibility and security of supply for select products not only in China but also across Asia and globally.

  Keng Yang Lim, general manager of Manufacturing and Supply Chain for the Asia-Pacific Region at Chevron Oronite, expressed pride in the Chevron Oronite China team for their dedication. “With their learnings from the successful construction, start-up, and operations of the Ningbo plant, I am confident that the project team has a strong foundation to build on for this expansion that will help ensure the project is executed safely and reliably,” said Lim.


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