

来源:F&L Asia   2024-06-07





  路博润®CV9660旨在满足欧洲市场对ACEA E8润滑油日益增长的需求,它展示了路博润对市场需求的深刻理解和开发尖端解决方案的承诺。新产品采用高性能聚合物路博润®7077,可覆盖重型行业的多种粘度等级,提高效率并为客户提供附加值。


  欧洲重型产品经理Alex Brewster表示:“低SAPS重型润滑油对我们的客户构成了挑战。粘度等级、基础油和添加剂包装都会给石油营销人员的运营和产品范围本身带来复杂性。在应对这一挑战的过程中,我们很高兴开发出一种具有指数效益的解决方案。”


Lubrizol launches Lubrizol CV9660 for heavy-duty lubricants

   Lubrizol, a global leader in additive technology for the transportation industry, has announced the launch of Lubrizol® CV9660, a new low-SAPS (sulphated ash, phosphorus, and sulfur) heavy-duty lubricant technology. This innovative product is designed to meet higher performance standards while offering a simplified solution for multiple viscosity profiles.

  Formulated to address the growing demand for ACEA E8 lubricants in the European market, Lubrizol® CV9660 demonstrates Lubrizol’s deep understanding of market needs and commitment to developing cutting-edge solutions. The new product utilises the high-performance polymer Lubrizol® 7077, which allows it to cover multiple viscosity grades in the heavy-duty sector, enhancing efficiency and providing added value to customers.

  Simplified solution for complex challenges

  “Low-SAPS heavy-duty lubricants pose a challenge to our customers,” said Alex Brewster, heavy-duty product manager for Europe. “Viscosity grades, base oils, and additive packages all create complexity within the oil marketers’ operations and product range itself. In addressing this challenge, we are pleased to have developed a solution with exponential benefits.”

  Lubrizol® CV9660 joins a suite of products supporting the diverse needs of the heavy-duty market, bolstering Lubrizol’s reputation as a total solutions provider in the industry.


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