
新的 ASTM 标准增强了发动机冷却液分析

来源:F&L Asia   2024-07-03

  ASTM 国际发动机冷却液和相关液体委员会 (D15) 推出了一种新的测试方法 ASTM D8567,用于测定发动机冷却液中常见的有机添加剂。该标准采用高效液相色谱 (HPLC) 来分析影响冷却液性能的唑类和有机酸。




  延长寿命冷却剂小组委员会主席亨利·奥乌苏 (Henry Owusu) 强调了新标准的三大主要优势:降低有机添加剂技术 (OAT) 冷却剂分析成本、提高添加剂特性精度、提供明确的数据以区分 OEM 工厂填充和推荐的基于 OAT 的冷却剂与售后替代品。

  该标准将使车队运营、条件监测分析师以及专门从事冷却剂分析服务的实验室受益,并根据联合国可持续发展目标第 12 号关于负责任消费和生产的倡议为负责任的消费和生产做出贡献。

  New ASTM standard enhances engine coolant analysis

  ASTM International’s engine coolants and related fluids committee (D15) has introduced a new test method, ASTM D8567, to determine common organic additives in engine coolants. The standard employs high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to analyse azoles and organic acids, which impact coolant performance.

  Azoles are a class of organic compounds characterized by a five-membered ring structure containing at least one nitrogen atom. In engine coolants, azoles help protect metal surfaces, such as copper and brass, from corrosion by forming a protective layer, thereby enhancing the longevity and performance of the coolant.

  Organic acids are a group of organic compounds that possess acidic properties. Organic acids play significant roles in various biological and chemical processes, including metabolic pathways in living organisms, food preservation, and as additives in products like engine coolants, where they help in preventing corrosion and maintaining the stability of the coolant.

  Henry Owusu, chair of the extended life coolants subcommittee, highlights three key benefits of the new standard: reducing costs for organic additive technology (OAT) coolant analysis, improving additive characterisation precision, and providing definitive data to distinguish OEM factory fill and recommended OAT-based coolants from aftermarket alternatives.

  This standard will benefit fleet operations, conditional monitoring analysts, and laboratories specialising in coolant analysis services, contributing to responsible consumption and production as per the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #12 on responsible consumption and production.


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