

来源:F&L Asia   2024-08-06



  雪佛龙总部搬迁旨在加强其高管、员工和业务合作伙伴之间的合作。董事长兼首席执行官 Mike Wirth 和副董事长 Mark Nelson 将于 2024 年底迁至休斯顿。此次搬迁将使该公司能够精简运营,更好地与休斯顿地区的广泛网络保持一致,该公司目前在休斯顿地区拥有约 7,000 名员工。


  雪佛龙还公布了几项重要的领导层变动。石油产品和天然气执行副总裁奈杰尔·赫恩将在 35 年的职业生涯中取得杰出成就后退休。赫恩在整合雪佛龙业务部门、提高整个公司的运营卓越性方面发挥了关键作用。

  现任副董事长的马克·尼尔森 (Mark Nelson) 将从 2024 年 10 月 1 日起负责石油产品和天然气业务。与此同时,副总裁兼首席人力资源官朗达·莫里斯 (Rhonda Morris) 将在公司工作 31 年后退休。米歇尔·格林 (Michelle Green) 将接替她的职位,后者将从 2025 年 1 月 1 日起担任首席人力资源官。

  中游业务副总裁科林·帕菲特也将退休,结束 29 年的任期。他的领导大大提升了雪佛龙的商业能力和全球价值链整合。

  另一项战略举措是,现任美国产品总裁的安迪·沃尔兹 (Andy Walz) 将于 2024 年 10 月 1 日起担任下游、中游和化学品总裁。沃尔兹将负责监督公司的全球制造、营销和贸易部门,包括航运和管道运营。

  Chevron moves headquarters to Houston amid leadership changes

  U.S. energy major Chevron Corporation has announced the relocation of its headquarters from San Ramon, California, to Houston, Texas. This transition marks a pivotal shift for one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies, positioning it closer to its operations and business partners.

  Chevron’s headquarters move aims to foster enhanced collaboration among its executives, employees, and business partners. Chairman and CEO Mike Wirth, along with Vice Chairman Mark Nelson, will relocate to Houston by the end of 2024. This relocation will allow the company to streamline its operations and better align with its extensive network in the Houston area, where it already employs approximately 7,000 people.

  While the headquarters will shift to Houston, Chevron reassures that there will be minimal immediate impact on employees based in San Ramon. The company plans a gradual migration of all corporate functions to Houston over the next five years, maintaining a significant presence in California to support local operations, including its refineries and retail stations.

  Chevron also unveiled several key leadership changes. Nigel Hearne, executive vice president of Oil Products & Gas, will retire after a distinguished 35-year career. Hearne played a crucial role in consolidating Chevron’s business segments, enhancing operational excellence across the company.

  Mark Nelson, currently vice chairman, will assume responsibility for Oil Products & Gas starting October 1, 2024. Meanwhile, Rhonda Morris, vice president and chief human resources officer, will retire after 31 years with the company. She will be succeeded by Michelle Green, who will take on the role of chief human resources officer effective January 1, 2025.

  Colin Parfitt, vice president of Midstream, will also retire, concluding a 29-year tenure. His leadership significantly advanced Chevron’s commercial capabilities and value chain integration globally.

  In another strategic move, Andy Walz, currently president of America’s Products, will become president of Downstream, Midstream & Chemicals effective October 1, 2024. Walz will oversee the company’s global manufacturing, marketing, and trading units, including shipping and pipeline operations.


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