
SKF 通过战略收购拓展润滑管理业务

来源:F&L Asia   2024-08-16

  斯凯孚 (SKF) 宣布收购 John Sample Group (JSG) 的润滑和流体管理业务,此举旨在加强其润滑管理产品,特别是在不断增长的印度和东南亚 (ISEA) 市场。

  该交易预计将于 2024 年第四季度完成。



  JSG 总部位于澳大利亚悉尼,以向采矿、建筑、纸浆和造纸以及食品和饮料等行业提供先进的润滑管理系统和服务而闻名。JSG 的销售额约为 5.5 亿瑞典克朗(5264 万美元),拥有 86 名员工,此次收购将增强 SKF 现有的润滑系统产品组合,为该公司在 ISEA 地区的业务增加重大价值。

  此次收购符合 SKF 减少轴承过早失效的战略,超过一半的轴承过早失效是由润滑不良和污染引起的。通过整合 JSG 广泛的客户群和分销网络,SKF 旨在提供更全面的润滑解决方案,不仅可以提高机器的可靠性,还可以为工业维护的可持续性做出贡献。

  SKF 独立及新兴业务总裁 Thomas Fröst 表示:“此次收购具有良好的战略契合性,因为它使我们成为重要的 ISEA 地区重要的润滑系统供应商。润滑是 SKF 产品组合的重要组成部分,使我们能够为客户提供量身定制的独立润滑解决方案以及改进的轴承性能。作为工业维护的重要组成部分,有效的润滑管理也有助于实现业务和社会的可持续发展。”

  JSG 执行主席 John Sample 也强调了两家公司价值观和战略的一致,并指出此次收购标志着 JSG 在他职业生涯转型过程中的积极变化。

  “在我职业生涯的这个阶段,约翰桑普尔集团的转型是一个自然而积极的演变。对于我和我的家人来说,在做出任何此类决定时,与一个对 JSG 的未来愿景与我们的目标、价值观和战略紧密相关的政党合作是很重要的,”桑普尔说。

  SKF(Svenska Kullagerfabriken AB)是一家瑞典跨国公司,专门生产轴承、密封件、润滑系统以及相关产品和服务。SKF 成立于 1907 年,总部位于瑞典哥德堡,是全球最大、最知名的公司之一,在轴承技术和机械工程解决方案方面拥有专业知识。

  SKF expands lubrication management with strategic acquisition

  SKF has announced its acquisition of John Sample Group’s (JSG) Lubrication and Flow Management businesses, a move aimed at strengthening its lubrication management offerings, particularly in the growing India and Southeast Asia (ISEA) markets.

  The transaction is expected to be finalised in the fourth quarter of 2024.

  JSG, headquartered in Sydney, Australia, is known for providing advanced lubrication management systems and services across industries such as mining, construction, pulp and paper, and food and beverages. With sales of approximately SEK550 million (USD52.64 million) and 86 employees, JSG’s acquisition will enhance SKF’s existing lubrication systems portfolio, adding significant value to the company’s operations in the ISEA region.

  The acquisition aligns with SKF’s strategy to reduce premature bearing failures, over half of which are caused by poor lubrication and contamination. By integrating JSG’s extensive customer base and distribution network, SKF aims to offer more comprehensive lubrication solutions that not only improve machine reliability but also contribute to sustainability efforts in industrial maintenance.

  “This acquisition is a good strategic fit as it enables us to become a significant lubrication systems player in the important ISEA region. Lubrication is an important part of SKF’s portfolio of offering, enabling us to offer our customers tailored stand-alone lubrication solutions as well as improved bearing performance. As an essential part of industrial maintenance, effective lubrication management also contributes to a sustainable business and society,” said Thomas Fröst, president of Independent and Emerging Business at SKF.

  John Sample, executive chairman of JSG, also emphasised the alignment of values and strategies between the two companies, noting that the acquisition marks a positive evolution for JSG as he transitions in his career.

  “At this stage in my career, transition of the John Sample Group is a natural and positive evolution. It is important for me and my family when making any decision of this kind, to engage with a party whose future vision for JSG is as closely aligned with our purpose, values, and strategies,” Sample said.

  SKF (Svenska Kullagerfabriken AB) is a Swedish multinational company that specialises in the manufacturing of bearings, seals, lubrication systems, and related products and services. Founded in 1907 and headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, SKF is one of the largest and most well-known companies in the world for its expertise in bearing technology and mechanical engineering solutions.


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