Lunar Outpost 与嘉实多合作完成具有里程碑意义的月球任务
Lunar Outpost 宣布与 Castrol 建立战略合作关系,任命该公司为其即将进行的月球航行 1 (LV1) 任务的主要任务控制中心合作者。LV1 计划于 2024 年底发射,旨在探索月球南极附近的沙克尔顿连接山脊,标志着太空探索的重要里程碑。
Lunar Outpost 是一家总部位于美国的公司,专门开发先进的太空机器人、月球表面机动性和太空资源利用技术。Lunar Outpost 成立于 2017 年,旨在通过提供创新的机器人系统和技术,帮助人类探索和利用月球和其他天体。
此次任务将部署移动自主勘探平台 (MAPP) 探测车,这将成为首个穿越这片未知月球区域的探测车。Castrol 参与任务控制中心预计将提高任务的成功率,因为控制中心在规划、决策和监督探测车的运行方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
Lunar Outpost 首席执行官贾斯汀·赛勒斯 (Justin Cyrus) 强调了此次合作的重要性,他表示:“嘉实多自第一次阿波罗任务以来就一直与 NASA 合作。拥有具有航天历史的行业领导者的专业知识不仅将支持我们实现月球航行 1 号的商业目标,还将帮助航天业蓬勃发展。”
嘉实多与 NASA 和航天领域的长期合作而闻名,该公司将此次合作视为其 Castronomy™ 计划的一部分,该计划通过与 Lunar Outpost 等创新公司合作来推动太空交通的发展。嘉实多首席营销官 Nicola Buck 对此次合作表示兴奋。
“嘉实多与航天工业合作 60 余年,为关键机械提供润滑油。成功的任务取决于专家、先驱和远见卓识者的齐心协力。在嘉实多,我们将这些太空合作称为 Castronomy™。我们很高兴宣布与 Lunar Outpost 开展新的合作,这是一个真正有远见的团队,正在推动技术进步和太空探索的极限,”Buck 说道。
Lunar Outpost and Castrol partner for landmark lunar mission
Lunar Outpost has announced a strategic collaboration with Castrol, naming the company as the lead Mission Control Center collaborator for its upcoming Lunar Voyage 1 (LV1) mission. Scheduled for launch in late 2024, LV1 aims to explore the Shackleton Connecting Ridge near the lunar South Pole, marking a significant milestone in space exploration.
Lunar Outpost is a U.S.-based company that specialises in developing advanced space robotics, lunar surface mobility, and space resource utilisation technologies. Founded in 2017, Lunar Outpost aims to enable humanity to explore and utilise the moon and other celestial bodies by providing innovative robotic systems and technologies.
The mission will deploy the Mobile Autonomous Prospecting Platform (MAPP) rover, which will become the first rover to traverse this uncharted lunar region. Castrol’s involvement in the Mission Control Center is expected to enhance the mission’s success, with the control centre playing a crucial role in planning, decision-making, and overseeing the rover’s operations.
Lunar Outpost’s CEO, Justin Cyrus, emphasised the importance of this collaboration, stating, “Castrol has worked with NASA since the first Apollo missions. Having the expertise of industry leaders with space heritage will not only support our commercial goals for Lunar Voyage 1 but will also help the space industry thrive.”
Castrol, known for its long-standing history with NASA and the space sector, sees this collaboration as part of its Castronomy™ initiative, which promotes space mobility advancements through partnerships with innovative companies like Lunar Outpost. Nicola Buck, chief marketing officer at Castrol, expressed excitement about the partnership.
“Castrol has been working with the space industry providing lubricants for critical mechanisms for over 60 years. Successful missions depend on the coming together of experts, pioneers and visionaries. At Castrol we call these space collaborations Castronomy™. We are thrilled to announce a new collaboration with Lunar Outpost, a truly visionary team pushing the limits of technological advancement and space exploration,” said Buck.
The Lunar Voyage 1 mission aims to achieve several historic firsts, including the first rover at the lunar South Pole, the first commercial rover on another planetary body, and the first commercial sale of space resources in human history.