
嘉实多推出含有 50% 再生塑料的 HDPE 瓶,以促进可持续发展

来源:F&L Asia   2024-09-27

  领先的润滑油制造商嘉实多印度有限公司将其高密度聚乙烯 (HDPE) 瓶中的回收成分提高到 50%,在其可持续发展之旅中实现了一个重要里程碑。该公司的目标是到 2024 年每年更换 2,600 公吨原生塑料,作为其对环境负责的包装承诺的一部分。


  在此公告发布之前,嘉实多不断努力使其包装更具可持续性,包括在 2023 年成功实现 POWER1 系列 100% 回收瓶的商业化。最新举措符合嘉实多的全球 PATH360 战略,旨在到 2030 年减少塑料足迹。

  嘉实多印度董事总经理桑迪普·桑万 (Sandeep Sangwan) 表示:“我们很自豪地宣布我们在可持续发展使命中迈出的这一重要一步。这一成就证明了我们团队克服挑战、开发符合质量和美观高标准的包装解决方案的辛勤工作和奉献精神。”


  Castrol introduces HDPE bottles with 50% recycled plastic to boost sustainability

  Castrol India Limited, a leading lubricant manufacturer, has achieved a major milestone in its sustainability journey by increasing the recycled content in its high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles to 50%. The company aims to replace 2,600 metric tonnes of virgin plastic annually by 2024 as part of its commitment to environmentally responsible packaging.

  This announcement follows Castrol’s ongoing efforts to make its packaging more sustainable, including the successful commercialisation of 100% recycled bottles for POWER1 range in 2023. The latest initiative aligns with Castrol’s global PATH360 strategy, which aims to reduce its plastic footprint by 2030.

  Sandeep Sangwan, managing director of Castrol India, said, “We are proud to announce this significant step in our sustainability mission. This accomplishment is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team in overcoming challenges to develop packaging solutions that meet high standards for both quality and aesthetics.”

  In addition to improving packaging practices, Castrol India remains committed to energy-efficient technologies and utilising renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across its operations.


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