bp 与 NASA 签署协议,推动能源和太空创新
bp America 与美国国家航空航天局 (NASA) 签署了一项具有开创性的《太空法案协议》,标志着能源生产与太空探索之间的合作开启了新篇章。此次合作将使两家公司共享数字技术和技术专长,以实现共同目标。
美国国家航空航天局 (NASA) 是美国政府机构,负责国家民用太空计划和航空研究。NASA 成立于 1958 年,负责执行太空探索任务、科学研究以及与太空和航空相关的技术开发。
此次合作旨在利用 bp 长期以来的技术创新传统来支持 NASA 雄心勃勃的计划,即持续探索月球、火星及更远的星球。bp 首席技术项目经理 Ken Nguyen 表示:“随着 NASA 寻求在月球和火星上持续存在,我们看到了 bp 和 NASA 合作开发前沿数字技术的独特机会,这将促进能源和太空领域的进一步创新。”
《太空法案协议》受 1958 年《国家航空航天法案》管辖,该协议促进了 NASA 与公司和其他实体的合作,以推进其使命。bp-NASA 合作的初始阶段将专注于制定标准和扩展可视化和模拟功能。未来阶段可以探索远程操作实践、安全通信、过程控制、预测分析、人工智能等。
bp 最新的海上平台 Argos 位于墨西哥湾,体现了该公司的技术实力。它是最先进的海上设施之一,具有远程通信、人工智能、增强现实和虚拟现实以及数字孪生模型等创新技术。
bp bp 解决方案高级副总裁 Giovanni Cristofoli 表示:“bp 和 NASA 都拥有深厚的技术专长,无论是在海底还是在月球上,都在极端环境下工作。彼此分享知识将有助于我们更快地解决复杂的工程问题,这意味着我们可以专注于确保能源安全流动,并以更低的排放实现更高的利润。”
bp 和 NASA 的伙伴关系建立在合作历史的基础上,包括在 NASA 任务中使用 bp 的嘉实多润滑油以及 bp 海上工人在美国宇航局中性浮力实验室进行培训。
bp and NASA ink agreement to boost energy and space innovation
bp America and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have entered into a groundbreaking Space Act Agreement, marking a new chapter in the collaboration between energy production and space exploration. This partnership will see the two entities share digital technologies and technical expertise to achieve their common goals.
NASA is the United States government agency responsible for the nation’s civilian space program and for aeronautics research. Established in 1958, NASA conducts space exploration missions, scientific research, and technology development related to space and aviation.
Under this agreement, bp and NASA will focus on developing and enhancing technologies such as digital models and simulations. These technologies will enable engineers and scientists to visualise and manage equipment in extreme environments—whether deep underwater or millions of miles away in space.
The collaboration aims to leverage bp’s long-standing legacy of technological innovation to support NASA’s ambitious plans for sustained human exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Ken Nguyen, principal technical program manager at bp, stated, “As NASA pursues a sustained presence on the Moon and Mars, we see a unique opportunity for bp and NASA to work collaboratively on the forefront of digital technology that will cultivate further innovation in energy and space.”
The Space Act Agreement, governed by the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, facilitates NASA’s partnerships with companies and other entities to advance its mission. The initial phase of the bp-NASA collaboration will focus on creating standards and expanding visualisation and simulation capabilities. Future phases could explore remote operating practices, safety communications, process control, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, and more.
This agreement could pave the way for further joint efforts between bp and NASA, including work on hydrogen regenerative fuel cells, high-capacity batteries, solar power systems, small fission systems, and innovative power management and distribution.
bp’s newest offshore platform, Argos, located in the Gulf of Mexico, exemplifies the company’s technological prowess. It is one of the most advanced offshore facilities, featuring innovations like remote communications, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and digital twin models.
Giovanni Cristofoli, bp’s senior vice president for bp Solutions, remarked, “Both bp and NASA are custodians of deep technical expertise, working in extreme environments—whether that’s at the bottom of the ocean or on the moon. Sharing what we know with each other will help us solve complex engineering problems faster, meaning we can focus on keeping energy flowing safely and delivering higher margins with lower emissions.”
bp and NASA’s partnership builds on a history of collaboration, including the use of bp’s Castrol lubricants in NASA missions and bp offshore workers training at NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory.