BP 任命 Elkhan Mammadov 为生产高级副总裁
BP 宣布任命 Elkhan Mammadov 为其新任生产高级副总裁 (SVP),自 2024 年 12 月 2 日起生效。Mammadov 将在公司伦敦总部管理 BP 的全球上游生产活动,直接向 BP 生产部门执行副总裁 Gordon Birrell 汇报。生产和运营。
Mammadov 现任 BP 阿塞拜疆-格鲁吉亚-土耳其 (AGT) 地区生产副总裁,多年来一直在公司内担任领导职务。他在领导 AGT 生产组织方面发挥了关键作用,并因其对安全和运营效率的高度关注而受到赞誉。
BP AGT 区域总裁加里·琼斯 (Gary Jones) 赞扬了 Mammadov 的领导能力,他表示:“埃尔汗是一位备受尊敬的领导者,因其对安全的热情以及与同事、团队和外部利益相关者建立的联系和信任而闻名。”琼斯还强调了马梅多夫在监督英国石油公司阿塞拜疆中东项目安全启动方面的作用,该项目是英国石油公司在阿塞拜疆-奇拉格-古纳什利(ACG)油田的第七个平台,也是英国石油公司技术最先进的平台之一。
Mammadov 于 2001 年加入 BP,担任仪器技术员,此后担任过各种陆上和海上职务,包括海上安装经理和区域运营经理。他拥有阿塞拜疆国立石油和工业大学流程自动化硕士学位,并获得了麻省理工学院和伦敦商学院的资格证书。 Mammadov 对石油和天然气行业的重大贡献为他赢得了 2014 年阿塞拜疆总统颁发的“Taraqi”(进步)奖章。
BP appoints Elkhan Mammadov as SVP of Production
BP has announced the appointment of Elkhan Mammadov as its new senior vice president (SVP) of Production, effective 2 December 2024. Mammadov will manage BP’s global upstream production activities from the company’s London headquarters, reporting directly to Gordon Birrell, BP’s executive vice president of Production and Operations.
Mammadov, who is currently BP’s vice president of Production for the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Türkiye (AGT) region, has held leadership positions within the company for several years. He played a pivotal role in leading the AGT production organisation and is credited for his strong focus on safety and operational efficiency.
Gary Jones, BP’s regional president for AGT, praised Mammadov’s leadership, stating: “Elkhan is a highly respected leader well known for his passion for safety and the connection and trust he builds with colleagues, teams, and external stakeholders.” Jones also highlighted Mammadov’s role in overseeing the safe start-up of BP’s Azeri Central East project, its seventh platform in the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) field, one of BP’s most technologically advanced platforms.
Mammadov joined BP in 2001 as an instrument technician and has since progressed through various onshore and offshore roles, including offshore installation manager and area operations manager. He holds a Master’s degree in Automation of Processes from the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and has received qualifications from MIT and the London Business School. Mammadov’s significant contributions to the oil and gas sector earned him a “Taraqqi” (Progress) medal from the President of Azerbaijan in 2014.